The Linux Experience XYZ

The Linux Experience XYZ

Musings on open source, Linux and related technologies by Tom Furnari.

Installation of EndeavourOS with i3

EndeavourOS is a Linux distribution which packages vanilla Arch in an easy graphical installer

Tom Furnari

1 minute read

EndeavourOS is a Linux distribution which packages vanilla Arch in an easy graphical installer. The developers boast a minimal and functional desktop and a friendly community. There is a wide variety of desktops avaliable in the online installation by default. Today, we take a look at the i3 window manager with configuration.

As was mentioned in the video, the keymap defaults for Xorg that are almost universally present in any distribution are Mod1=Alt and Mod4=Super Key. You can run run ‘xmodmap -pm’ in a terminal to be sure. Mod4 is recommended as the “Mod Key” for your i3 configuration.

set $mod Mod4

My previous review and install of Pop!_OS can be viewed here:

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