When pigs fly! -- An Arch Linux install script
The latest Arch Linux ISO release contains a guided install script.
Arch Linux guided installer
Arch Linux has a reputation, somewhat deserved, of being difficult to install. Well, no longer! The latest ISO release contains a guided install script. That’s right, hell has frozen over and pigs will fly!
Go to Arch Linux to get the ISO. You can also find more information about the installer at the Arch installer wiki page and the script’s homepage.
First you must set up networking. I recommend a wired connection. If this is not possible and wifi is required, run wifi-menu
The script is simplicity, in itself. Once you have a connection to the internet, just type archinstall
and follow the script as highlighted in the video. That’s it! You will soon have a working Arch linux install!
Please see the video below where I go through the installation in detail.
You may view it on YouTube or LBRY
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