The Linux Experience XYZ

The Linux Experience XYZ

Musings on open source, Linux and related technologies by Tom Furnari.

Let's install Ubuntu Mate!

The latest release, 21.04, is good ol' Mate, but with a few bugs.

Tom Furnari

1 minute read

Let’s install Ubuntu Mate!

One of the flagship “flavors of Ubuntu,” Mate provides an elegant and light-weight desktop enviornment.

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Mate has long been my favorite flavor of Ubuntu. It’s much lighter than the standard version, while being fully functional and good looking. I’ve always felt it’s an ideal distribution for new Linux users.

Unfortunately, this version installed on my hybrid graphics Lenovo Ideapad without properly detecting the second graphics card, an nVidia Geoforce GTX. You can see in the video the steps I took to correct this.

I would consider this a temporary outlier. I’m sure the next release of the ISO will fix this bug.

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Please see the video below where I go through the installation in detail.

You may view it on YouTube or LBRY

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