Let's install Ubuntu Mate!
The latest release, 21.04, is good ol' Mate, but with a few bugs.

One of the flagship “flavors of Ubuntu,” Mate provides an elegant and light-weight desktop enviornment.
Musings on open source, Linux and related technologies by Tom Furnari.
The latest release, 21.04, is good ol' Mate, but with a few bugs.
One of the flagship “flavors of Ubuntu,” Mate provides an elegant and light-weight desktop enviornment.
The latest Arch Linux ISO release contains a guided install script.
Arch Linux has a reputation, somewhat deserved, of being difficult to install. Well, no longer! The latest ISO release contains a guided install script. That’s right, hell has frozen over and pigs will fly!
Let's install Debian Testing the right way!
Debian is the mother of all Linux distributions. Unfortunately, the packages in the stable release can become quite old, as new releases can take up to two years and more. There is a solution, however. Debian’s testing branch is far from “unstable,” as that term is generally understood. In fact, I’d venture to say Debian testing is more stable than most other distributions.